Traducciones de documentos, traducción jurada y localización de software

SORT translations is made up of a group of licensed native translators specialized in the translation of texts of various subjects into different languages, as well as in interpreting in all its modalities:  simultaneous, consecutive, liaison or whispered.

We also have sworn translators and interpreters for English, French, Italian, German and Russian among other languages, with degrees awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition, we impose strict controls on our work in order to obtain a result in accordance with the most rigorous criteria of quality, rapidity, effectiveness, seriousness and confidentiality. With this aim, the work adapts to the necessities and particular requests of each client, with whom we maintain a personalized relationship.

Indeed, not only matters the quality in the work of the translation, in spite of being its main objective, but also the speed required by the client, without decreasing the quality, as well as the seriousness and effectiveness in the fulfillment of the acquired commitments, preserving the confidentiality at all times.

"Translation, an art in itself;
is the process of re-creation
where the magic of one language
is transformed
into the magic of another."

Khalil Gibran

Express service

We offer the option of express translation service in 24 or 48 hours

Ask for a budget

In order to ask for a budget, fill out our form


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